elia mervi


I was born in Madrid in 1988

The Hague → Lisbon → Sintra

Currently I'm based in Castres, France.


Basic information about me: I've been a freelance illustrator for 11 years. I left my country 9 years ago. I'm a mother of two.


My work was selected for the Young Illustrator Award in 2014 and exphibit in the gallery  and art school Direktorenhouse in Berlin.

I was invited to join the Residency Program in the Redbubble's artists house in San Francisco.


My first book was released in October 2018, an illustrated anthology of the american poet Emily Dickinson. In 2019 it won the National Award of best published book in 2018.


I also work in El Espectro Invisible de Medea a porject about the interacction between art and motherhood. In the project we explore the world and processes of women/artists/mothers.



0033 662183954 (France)

0034 692924944 (Spain)